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Victims Advocate

Butterfly Bridge Children's Advocacy Center logo.

Butterfly Bridge Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) offers a safe, child-friendly environment to children victimized by abuse or neglect as it carries out the mission to provide restoration and justice in their lives.

The vision of Butterfly Bridge Children's Advocacy Center is that every abused child will receive the services, advocacy, and support needed to move beyond the abuse to a life full of possibilities

The organization is a 501c3 non-profit and is the only CAC serving Chilton County. The CAC works closely with local law enforcement, Department of Human Resources, District Attorney's Office, and medical personnel in providing a collaborative response to child abuse investigations in order to decrease any trauma to the child victim.

The CAC provides highly specialized services to child and adolescent victims of abuse and witnesses to crime.  All services are free. The services provided are:

  • Forensic interviews at the request of local law enforcement and DHR
  • Trauma-focused therapy
  • Parent/caregiver support sessions
  • Advocacy services throughout the life of the case in the criminal justice system
  • Expert testimony
  • Multi-disciplinary team coordination

For more information visit or call 205-755-4205.

National Hotlines and Helpful Links

AA Meetings

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255) [24/7 hotline]
1-888-628-9454 (Spanish)
1-800-799-4889 (TTY)

Disaster Distress Helpline [24/7 hotline]

FINRA Securities Helpline for Seniors

Identity Theft Resource Center

MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)

National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Center on Elder Abuse

National Child Abuse Hotline

National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

National Indigenous Women's Resource Center

National Runaway Switchboard

National Sexual Assault Hotline
1-800-656-4673 [24/7 hotline]

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
1-866-331-8453 (TTY)

Parents of Murdered Children

Office for Victims of Crime, Directory of Crime Victim Services